
Welcome to Edurealms Minecrafters!

Page history last edited by Lucas Gillispie 8 years, 9 months ago

The Latest News:




(4/8/16) - So, lots going on!  We're consolidating some servers and in the process updating to Spigot and version 1.9!  Lots of new things to do, explore, and create.  I need the community's help!  Please sign up for an account here and help build our server wiki.


There are some major plugin changes that will change how things work on the server in some cool ways.  The number one big change is the addition of the plugin, Grief Prevention.  This awesome plugin allows players to "claim" build areas using a chest and a golden shovel.  The more you play, the more claim blocks you earn.  You can also invite trusted players to help you in your build.


Here's a tutorial to help you get started:  https://youtu.be/VDsjXB-BaE0


There's a brand new creative world, Design World, ready for your creative ideas.  As with Fantasi, it's divided into four regions, one for pixel art, one for player statues (go build yours!!), one for architecture, and one that's anything goes.  Unlike Fantasi, this world seems to have generated properly... No more wall of ocean!


There are a few worlds that are simply designed to showcase awesome projects - Virtual Philly and Medieval Village.  Check them out!  


There's a brand new project world for WAMS/Mr. Isaacs' students.  It's currently designated with a giant #1 over the portal.  Hey WAMS students, if someone can create a WAMS logo, I'll replace the "1."


We have a brand new Skyblock system, aSkyblock.  This one has some great new features and you start with a cow!  You won't be so  lonely, now!  To make this even cooler, we've added new economy/chest shop plugins and a really cool plugin called Greenhouses that let's you build custom biome greenhouses on your Skyblock.  Cool!!  Review the Skyblock page for more details.


Mob Arena and Survival Games will be added soon!







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