Our server uses Essentials Economy to track players' in-world money. In-game currency can be acquired in a variety of ways including using the /sell command, by trading with other players, buying and selling with SignShops, and through participation in games and events.
Here are the commands players can use related to the economy:
(only commands for players are shown, not the one's for admins)
Command |
Description |
/balance |
Gives the current balance of a player.
/bal |
Gives the current balance of a player. |
/money |
Gives the current balance of a player. |
/balancetop |
Displays the top account balances. |
/baltop |
Displays the top account balances.
/sell <item> |
Sells all of <item> that you have in your inventory. |
/sell hand |
Sells all of whatever item might be in your hand. |
/pay <player> <ammount> |
Pays a specified player from your balance. |
/worth |
Displays how much an item is worth. |
/price |
Displays how much an item is worth. |
Item Sell Values
Most items acquired in the world can be sold back to the server for currency. Below is list of items and their sell values:
Please use Ctl + F to find what you are looking for
Name of item: |
Item ID Number |
Item worth (if sold to the server: |
Stone button |
77 |
6.0 |
Oak Wood Plank |
5 |
.50 |
Arrow |
3.50 |
Diamond Pickaxe * |
278 |
650.0 |
Raw Fish |
349 |
5.0 |
Minecart |
328 |
23.0 |
Leather Chestplate |
85.0 |
Storage Minecart |
342 |
30.0 |
Leaves |
1.0 |
Feather |
3.0 |
Gold Chestplate |
6.5 |
Mushroom soup |
4.5 |
Bread |
30.0 |
2.5 |
Stone hoe |
2.5 |
Brown mushroom |
2.0 |
Wool |
20.0 |
Mossy cobblestone |
90.0 |
Diamond hoe
400.0 |
Wood Sword |
1.0 |
Torch |
4.0 |
Grass |
2 |
1.0 |
Powered Minecart |
343 |
32.0 |
Snowball |
1.0 |
Golden Apple |
100.0 |
Leather Leggings |
75.0 |
Log |
2.0 |
Diamond Ax |
650.0 |
Slime Ball |
50.0 |
Oak Fence |
1.0 |
stonespade: 1.5 |
claybrick: 5.0 |
noteblock: 36.0
ironaxe: 22.0 |
coalore: 15.0 |
clayball: 3.0 |
fishingrod: 10.0 |
ironhoe: 22.0 |
goldrecord: 100.0 |
ironpickaxe: 22.0 |
irondoor: 22.0 |
bucket: 22.0 |
redrose: 2.0 |
grilledpork: 7.0 |
gravel: 1.0 |
wooddoor: 3.0 |
chainmailhelmet: 40.0 |
ironchestplate: 22.0 |
* Tools/weapons/armor value changes based on how much durability is left.
diamondblock: 2000.0
diamondhelmet: 1000.0
goldhelmet: 6.0
redstonetorchon: 32.0
ironspade: 22.0
furnace: 8.5
ironsword: 22.0
dispenser: 58.0
woodaxe: 2.0
seeds: 2.0
painting: 25.0
woodplate: 1.0
redstoneore: 30.0
diamondspade: 210.0
waterbucket: 40.0
water: 1.0
bedrock: 100.0
irondoorblock: 15.0
goldhoe: 6.0
sand: 1.0
goldsword: 6.0
stoneaxe: 3.0
bookshelf: 140.0
ironblock: 190.0
jackolantern: 56.0
boat: 3.0
diamondchestplate: 1750.0
redstonewire: 30.0
redmushroom: 2.0
string: 5.0
stoneplate: 6.0
wallsign: 1.0
cactus: 10.0
sulphur: 20.0
rails: 22.0
ironore: 18.0
leatherhelmet: 52.0
stone: 3.00
egg: 1.0
diamondore: 200.0
woodhoe: 2.0
goldleggings: 6.0
chainmailleggings: 50.0
yellowflower: 2.0
ironhelmet: 22.0
obsidian: 130.0
dirt: 1.0
leather: 10.0
leatherboots: 42.0
lever: 1.0
cobblestone: 1.0
cake: 180.0
woodstairs: 1.0
ironingot: 22.0
goldore: 45.0
pumpkin: 50.0
bed: 68.0
watch: 6.0
ironleggings: 22.0
sign: 1.5
doublestep: 1.0
woodpickaxe: 2.0
stonepickaxe: 4.0
chainmailboots: 30.0
diamondleggings: 1500.0
cookedfish: 7.0
saddle: 100.0
cobblestonestairs: 1.5
tnt: 100.0
glowingredstoneore: 30.0
apple: 10.0
woodspade: 1.0
goldingot: 105.0
diode: 110.0
soil: 1.0
clay: 12.0
goldblock: 450.0
stick: 0.25
paper: 10.0
brick: 21.0
stationarylava: 1.0
chest: 4.0
sandstone: 3.0
goldpickaxe: 6.0
compass: 22.0
sugarcane: 10.0
diamondsword: 420.0
goldboots: 6.0
sponge: 80.0
stonesword: 2.5
coal: 15.0
goldaxe: 6.0
bone: 2.0
diamond: 200.0
glass: 3.00
goldspade: 6.0
lapisblock: 950.0
lavabucket: 40.0
wheat: 9.0
ladder: 0.5
sugarcaneblock: 15.0
bowl: 0.50
chainmailchestplate: 40.0
sapling: 2.0
diamondboots: 850.0
lapisore: 100.0
lava: 25.0
milkbucket: 40.0
redstone: 32.0
greenrecord: 100.0
inksack: 10.0
glowstonedust: 10.0
book: 45.0
bow: 15.0
ironboots: 22.0
step: 1.5
sugar: 10.0
rottenflesh: 5.0
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