
Server Economy

Page history last edited by ravenclawnc12 8 years, 8 months ago

Our server uses Essentials Economy to track players' in-world money.  In-game currency can be acquired in a variety of ways including using the /sell command, by trading with other players, buying and selling with SignShops, and through participation in games and events.


Here are the commands players can use related to the economy:

(only commands for players are shown, not the one's for admins)


Command  Description 
/balance Gives the current balance of a player.
/bal Gives the current balance of a player.
/money Gives the current balance of a player.
/balancetop Displays the top account balances.
/baltop  Displays the top account balances.
/sell <item>  Sells all of <item> that you have in your inventory.
/sell hand  Sells all of whatever item might be in your hand. 
/pay <player> <ammount> Pays a specified player from your balance.
/worth  Displays how much an item is worth. 
/price Displays how much an item is worth. 





Item Sell Values


Most items acquired in the world can be sold back to the server for currency.  Below is list of items and their sell values:


Please use Ctl + F to find what you are looking for

Name of item:  Item ID Number Item worth (if sold to the server: 
Stone button  77 6.0 
Oak Wood Plank 5 .50 
Arrow  3.50 
Diamond Pickaxe * 278 650.0 
Raw Fish  349 5.0 
Minecart  328 23.0 
Leather Chestplate  85.0 
Storage Minecart 342 30.0
Leaves 1.0
Feather 3.0
Gold Chestplate 6.5
Mushroom soup 4.5
Bread 30.0


Stone hoe  2.5 
Brown mushroom  2.0 
Wool    20.0 
Mossy cobblestone  90.0 

Diamond hoe

Wood Sword 1.0  
Torch 4.0  
Grass  2 1.0  
Powered Minecart 343 32.0  
Snowball  1.0
Golden Apple 100.0
Leather Leggings 75.0 
Log 2.0  
Diamond Ax 650.0  
Slime Ball  50.0  
Oak Fence    1.0
stonespade: 1.5     
claybrick: 5.0     

noteblock: 36.0

ironaxe: 22.0     
coalore: 15.0     
clayball: 3.0     
fishingrod: 10.0     
ironhoe: 22.0     
goldrecord: 100.0     
ironpickaxe: 22.0     
irondoor: 22.0     
bucket: 22.0     
redrose: 2.0     
grilledpork: 7.0     
gravel: 1.0     
wooddoor: 3.0     
chainmailhelmet: 40.0     
ironchestplate: 22.0     


* Tools/weapons/armor value changes based on how much durability is left.


diamondblock: 2000.0

diamondhelmet: 1000.0

goldhelmet: 6.0

redstonetorchon: 32.0

ironspade: 22.0

furnace: 8.5

ironsword: 22.0

dispenser: 58.0

woodaxe: 2.0

seeds: 2.0

painting: 25.0

woodplate: 1.0

redstoneore: 30.0

diamondspade: 210.0

waterbucket: 40.0

water: 1.0

bedrock: 100.0

irondoorblock: 15.0

goldhoe: 6.0

sand: 1.0

goldsword: 6.0

stoneaxe: 3.0

bookshelf: 140.0

ironblock: 190.0

jackolantern: 56.0

boat: 3.0

diamondchestplate: 1750.0

redstonewire: 30.0

redmushroom: 2.0

string: 5.0

stoneplate: 6.0

wallsign: 1.0

cactus: 10.0

sulphur: 20.0

rails: 22.0

ironore: 18.0

leatherhelmet: 52.0

stone: 3.00

egg: 1.0

diamondore: 200.0

woodhoe: 2.0

goldleggings: 6.0

chainmailleggings: 50.0

yellowflower: 2.0

ironhelmet: 22.0

obsidian: 130.0

dirt: 1.0

leather: 10.0

leatherboots: 42.0

lever: 1.0

cobblestone: 1.0

cake: 180.0

woodstairs: 1.0

ironingot: 22.0

goldore: 45.0

pumpkin: 50.0

bed: 68.0

watch: 6.0

ironleggings: 22.0

sign: 1.5

doublestep: 1.0

woodpickaxe: 2.0

stonepickaxe: 4.0

chainmailboots: 30.0

diamondleggings: 1500.0

cookedfish: 7.0

saddle: 100.0

cobblestonestairs: 1.5

tnt: 100.0

glowingredstoneore: 30.0

apple: 10.0

woodspade: 1.0

goldingot: 105.0

diode: 110.0

soil: 1.0

clay: 12.0

goldblock: 450.0

stick: 0.25

paper: 10.0

brick: 21.0

stationarylava: 1.0

chest: 4.0

sandstone: 3.0

goldpickaxe: 6.0

compass: 22.0

sugarcane: 10.0

diamondsword: 420.0

goldboots: 6.0

sponge: 80.0

stonesword: 2.5

coal: 15.0

goldaxe: 6.0

bone: 2.0

diamond: 200.0

glass: 3.00

goldspade: 6.0

lapisblock: 950.0

lavabucket: 40.0

wheat: 9.0

ladder: 0.5

sugarcaneblock: 15.0

bowl: 0.50

chainmailchestplate: 40.0

sapling: 2.0

diamondboots: 850.0

lapisore: 100.0

lava: 25.0

milkbucket: 40.0

redstone: 32.0

greenrecord: 100.0

inksack: 10.0

glowstonedust: 10.0

book: 45.0

bow: 15.0

ironboots: 22.0

step: 1.5

sugar: 10.0

rottenflesh: 5.0






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